Best Sims 4 Room Decor Cc Download

Designing our lovely Sim's living spaces is i of the most entertaining parts of playing TS4. And hardcore interior designers never have enough new wallpapers, floors, article of furniture, and all those goodies.

While Maxis and EA brand sure to keep pumping out a salubrious corporeality of Stuff Packs and expansions, it's the CC creators that actually keep the Sims iv decoration scene alive.

If you're on the lookout for some furniture to decorate your Sim's sleeping room, well so you've stumbled onto the correct place.

I guarantee you'll find something yous love among our favorite picks hither!

20. Bedroom Cologne 2020

Bedroom Cologne CC Set

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Let'due south get things started past looking at a minimal, almost futuristic chamber set past German creator ShinoKCR.

Different most sets which are born of inspiration from different sources, this uncomplicated and stylish bedroom is based on the products shown at the 2020 Cologne Article of furniture Fair.

Which I'm guessing the creator had the chance to visit? Who knows, but it looks bang-up.

While near of the furniture, walls, and floors are available in very neutral grayscale hues, the patterned cushions and beautiful marine painting give it a spark of color that brings the room to life.

nineteen. Elamia Bedroom

Elamia Bedroom CC Set TS4

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If you're looking for a bedroom fit for a calorie-free-hearted Sim who enjoys experimental looks and unique furniture, wait no further than Jomsims' Elamia Bedchamber.

While full of unusual furniture and experimental textures, there'south no denying the cozy, homely feeling this room gives off.

Peculiarly if y'all cull the version with pastel pinkish and cream colors.

That said, y'all tin reach pretty different effects just past irresolute colors.

I peculiarly similar the green and purple combination, which makes me think of vineyards. You could likewise become full rockstar with an insane black and yellowish look.

18. Milana Bedroom Furniture

Sims 4 Mod - Milana Bedroom Furniture

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I've always loved wooden furniture.

It's a keen way to bring some nature into a space, and the natural patterns of this living material never get out of fashion.

The Milana Bedroom by creator Severinka uses lots of highly-seasoned wooden furniture to create a look reminiscent a transport'south cabin. Just by mixing blue, yellow, and wooden surfaces for an at-dwelling house feeling.

That said, each i of the 12 creations that brand upwards this set has a couple of different colors and textures. For example, white furniture can considerably age downwardly the room, making it perfect for your Sim children.

17. Francium Bedroom

Francium Bedroom CC Set

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Creator Wondymoon delights u.s. with their Francium Bedroom, featuring mostly Scandinavian design with some vibrant plants and refined textures.

This unique look makes this 10-piece set perfect for various Sims, such as occult aliens or anyone who likes going to their room to clear their head in a controlled infinite.

Among my favorite things about this CC set are the ceiling and wall lamps, which have a mod pill-like design and distribute light wonderfully.

The fur rug and wooden furniture contrast with the room'south orderly look and complete the room.

16. Zara Sleeping accommodation

Zara Bedroom CC Set for TS4

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On the reverse spectrum of "minimal" we notice SIMcredible's Zara Bedroom, an eleven-piece set that evokes something like a vesture store or movie set dressing room rather than a bedchamber.

That said, this unique manner is ideal for the wannabe fashion designer and the kind of Sim who thinks there's never too much of a good thing.

The exposed clothing rack and rows of light bulbs go well with the blazon of people who dearest the spotlight.

While the black, white, and gray hues create a hit and memorable expect, choosing one of the lighter color palettes can go a long way toward giving this chamber a homely feeling without sacrificing its eccentric nature.

15. Erin Bedroom

Erin Bedroom CC Set

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Another fantastic selection that tin can change a lot by tweaking some colors is the marine-inspired Erin Bedroom, by Nynaeve Blueprint.

It's perfect for Sims on vacation in their second home, with intense colors and a very resort-similar feeling.

This is farther reinforced by the marine life and beach landscape paintings. I can basically hear the sea!

If you don't like this over-the-top resort look, changing the blue palette to another pick is recommended.

The subtler gray palette goes a long way toward achieving a more refined aesthetic. There'southward also a warm Autumn-inspired palette and one with a festival of violet, pink and purple shades.

14. Moroccan Bedchamber

Moroccan Bedroom CC for Sims 4

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Some Sims have a gustation for the exotic and over-the-top.

And few things are more than eye-communicable than Severinka's Moroccan Bedchamber set.

This oriental-looking fourteen-slice bedroom piece of furniture collection features vivid colors, golden accents, and mandala-like designs on most everything.

Information technology'southward gaudy like few others. Merely somehow, it works.

It may feel a fleck wild for Western standards, then the writer made sure to include several color palettes that are considerably more "arctic".

That said, I believe this set shines brightest in the default, unapologetically colorful version.

13. Alessa Bedchamber

Alessa Bedroom CC for The Sims 4

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On the other side of the spectrum nosotros find Onyxium'south Alessa Chamber, a tasteful and straightforward fix featuring straight edges and wonderfully detailed wooden textures.

While all xvi pieces of this set look fantastic, information technology's the wooden items that bring information technology together for me.

Each of them comes in four dissimilar kinds of woods, giving you a lot of room for customization.

If I had to choose just one slice to keep, I'd become for the giant wardrobe with a massive built-in full body mirror. I mean, what Sim doesn't similar a large mirror?

12. Alwine Bedroom

Alwine Bedroom CC Set

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Plentiful wooden surfaces seem to be a tendency among The Sims four CC designers.

If you don't believe me, take a expect at Severinka's Alwine Sleeping accommodation.

Depending on your preferred colour palette, this room tin expect like a lover's nest, a hunter's cabin, or the home of a serial killer like Hannibal Lecter (as brought to life by Mads Mikkelsen in the 2013 Television set show).

The author shows usa several interesting configurations for the xiv pieces of this set.

Notwithstanding, thanks to the creative wallpapers, bonny decals, and many roomy decorations, experimentation will probably give you lot the best results.

11. Princess Bedroom

Princess Bedroom CC Set

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Another 1 of Severinka'south masterful creations is this elegant Princess Sleeping accommodation CC fix.

As the name implies, this room was congenital with the spoiled princess in mind – but not an actual monarch.

While information technology does have a bit of a Versailles await to it, it's nowhere near as gaudy as what y'all'd find in a palace.

It features lots of white and beige surfaces with golden accents, and the carved panels and handles consummate this elaborate girly space.

Get it for the child who's the family's royal precious stone, or the young adult female who saw way besides many Disney Princess movies growing up.

x. Minimalist Bedroom Stuff Pack

Minimalist Bedroom Stuff Pack

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Rather than a pre-designed bedroom with some customization degree, consider trying IllogicalSims' fantastic Minimalist Bedroom Stuff Pack.

Mimicking Maxis' official stuff packs, this collection of CC volition give everything you need to pattern a minimalist bedroom, a studio, or a mash-up of both.

Whereas most bedroom sets include 10-fifteen items, this unofficial Stuff Pack features 25 new objects, ii entirely new wallpapers, and two new floor textures.

There are a lot of options when it comes to colors also. But I'd say this looks the all-time when using beige, white, calorie-free dark-brown, and grayness tones.

9. Daisy Sleeping room

Daisy Bedroom CC Set

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Every bedroom's centerpiece has to be the bed where your Sim will be resting up to get those needs back to the greenish zone.

This Daisy Sleeping room set by creator Severinka offers a unique bed frame congenital from simple cylindrical wooden beams.

This exotic frame is accompanied by colorful blankets and pillows, featuring mandala-like patterns that reveal a very bohemian influence.

The knit blanket and macrame ornamentation hanging over the bed are my favorite items in this xi-piece set.

8. Neutral Chamber

Neutral Bedroom CC Set

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If rather than something exotic similar the Daisy Bedchamber y'all'd adopt something a piddling more traditional, consider Angela's Neutral Bedroom.

This tasteful creation comprises seven items, including a double bed, a thick blanket, and a convenient bed bench.

Plus the simple clothes rack and sober colors brand this CC ready ideal for a decorated Sim with a good centre for aesthetics.

Get it for the Sim in a quest for financial success who simply uses their room to rest betwixt 16-hour sessions of grinding.

7. That's What She Bed

That's What She Bed CC

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This humorously-named CC collection was designed to assistance young Sim parents give their offspring enough space without moving to a bigger home.

Among other piece of furniture and decorations, this bedroom set includes a double bunk bed. This way a fix of twins can share the same room without taking up all the floor infinite.

It also includes a tiny desk you tin can fit under the upper bed if your Sim is an only kid, leaving the residue of the room gratis for toys, décor, or whatever your Sim's little ones need.

While this playful and mod set includes viii color palettes and various wood patterns, you'll be happy to hear it's uniform with RAVASHEEN'south other CC packs – giving you a lot of artistic freedom.

vi. Tropic Like It's Hot Beach Business firm Set

Tropic Like It's Hot Beach House Set - Sims 4 Mod

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One of those compatible collections is the Tropic Like Information technology's Hot Beach Business firm Ready, geared towards summer getaways to upkeep summertime homes.

While most large lots close to the declension come at a pretty massive price tag in TS4, this set can help you make the well-nigh of the smaller ones thanks to its relatively modest furniture and wall-hanging bunk beds.

These are platonic for children, only even developed Sims will appreciate them afterwards a tiring twenty-four hours at the embankment.

Other than that, every item in this set up has a hardcore nautical vibe that'll look astonishing in marine colors such as navy blue and beige.

5. Armelda Bedchamber

Armelda Bedroom Custom Content for The Sims 4

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If you do have the Simoleons for a bigger embankment house, I'd recommend the Armelda Bedroom set past Jomsims to decorate your home.

Unlike other tropical-looking collections, this 12-piece CC gear up keeps the nautical gimmick to a minimum.

Instead it features discreet piece of furniture that makes the room feel spacious and employs lots of rattan for extra authenticity.

It also includes several nature paintings to decorate your room, each corresponding to one of the bachelor color palettes. I especially like the violet one, which employs darker woods and rattan textures.

four. Sandy Lane Bedroom

Sandy Lane Bedroom CC for TS4

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While most TS4 interior designers use asymmetry and clutter to requite their rooms a more natural and "realistic" wait, the Sandy Lane Bedroom is confidently compatible.

Creator Lulu265 managed to create a homely feeling despite the straight lines and copious squares. It'southward unproblematic, unassuming, and has incredible style.

The Sandy Lane Bedchamber is perfect for the Virgo Sim in your life who needs everything to be tidy and organized if they're going to relax at all.

3. Alisha Sleeping accommodation

Alisha Bedroom CC for TS4

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On the other hand nosotros have the Alisha Sleeping accommodation set by Severinka, perfect for someone who's eclectic and unafraid of experimentation.

This prepare employs several bold colors and textures as a backdrop for relatively simple wooden furniture, bringing together maverick influences and Scandinavian design.

It'south comprised of 11 custom objects including curtains, mirrors, a variety of tables, and even a stylish ottoman.

two. Monica Bedroom

Monica Bedroom CC for TS4

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Severinka's Monica Sleeping room is i of the most ethereal, fantasy-looking sets available for TS4.

Information technology's very bright, employing light colors and elegant wallpaper designs to create a spacious feeling – almost like sleeping in the middle of a high-fantasy forest.

The combination of the hanging ceiling lamp'due south floral blueprint and white bird decals completes the await.

It'll make your Sim feel similar a Disney Princess. That'due south what she'south going for, right?

1. Yslextius Adult Bedroom

Yslextius Adult Bedroom Content Pack - Sims 4

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Sometimes, you lot desire a bedchamber that'll make your Sim feel like a rex or queen.

And few accomplish that as tastefully as Jomsims' Yslextius Adult Bedchamber CC pack.

The bed in this set looks a lot similar an altar. But some candles and warm colors can make it the virtually romantic love nest ever.

In other words, it's versatile – in part because of the wide variety of wooden textures.

Whatever combination you become with, I'grand sure this sleeping room set will make you lot feel like a master interior designer.

And your Sims volition remainder piece of cake knowing their chamber game is on point.


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